@extends('layouts.app') @push('head-script') @endpush @section('content') @php $required_columns = [ 'gender' => false, 'dob' => false, 'country' => false ]; $requiredColumns = [ 'gender' => __('modules.front.gender'), 'dob' => __('modules.front.dob'), 'country' => __('modules.front.country') ]; $section_visibility = [ 'profile_image' => 'yes', 'resume' => 'yes', 'cover_letter' => 'yes', 'terms_and_conditions' => 'yes' ]; $sectionVisibility = [ 'profile_image' => __('modules.jobs.profileImage'), 'resume' => __('modules.jobs.resume'), 'cover_letter' => __('modules.jobs.coverLetter'), 'terms_and_conditions' => __('modules.jobs.termsAndConditions') ]; @endphp


@if(count($locations) == 0)

Job Location Empty!

You do not have any Location created. You need to create the Job location first to add the job . @lang('app.createNew') @lang('menu.locations')

@elseif(count($categories) == 0)

Job Category Empty!

You do not have any Job Category created. You need to create the Job location first to add the job . @lang('app.createNew') @lang('menu.jobCategories')


@if(count($questions) > 0 || count($groupQuestions) > 0 )

Questions Type

@if(count($groupQuestions) > 0)
group_id) checked @endif value="group" >
group_id)) checked @endif value="indivisual" checked>
@forelse($questions as $question)
@empty @endforelse
@if($job) @foreach ($job->required_columns as $key => $value) @endforeach @else @foreach ($required_columns as $key => $value) @endforeach @endif
@if($job) @foreach ($job->section_visibility as $key => $value) @endforeach @else @foreach ($section_visibility as $key => $value) @endforeach @endif
{{-- Ajax Modal Start for --}} {{-- Ajax Modal Ends --}} @endsection @push('footer-script') @endpush